Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Site improvements for better ranking. First ever Adsense check!

Giving a second thought to improving ddir google and yahoo rankings, I ran IBP one more time on google top ten (top four to be precise - since my current position is five), and I decided to change the title. I'm mentioning the main keyword two times there now. It took a while to figure out how to do this both user- and search engine-friendly. Some meta keywords shuffle has been done, too - but I believe it does not have much importance any more. Slight changes to meta description, and - the biggy - adding some copy to the page itself. Hope this will have some effect.

Got a first ever Adsense payment today! Money hard earned during the year from the moment I put Adsense snippets on the site. This is definitely something to celebrate. I'm too tired for celebration, though, and this is bad. I know this is bad, but I just can't help it. This is probably the human nature - I'm always dissatisfied with what I already achieved. I always want more and more and more. As I write this, my Adsense counter for the current days shows $14.25. It would made me happy a week ago, but now I'm wiggling my nose... I guess it's not only me, we all feel that way pretty often. We just can't be satisfied for more than a couple of seconds... I need to work on this.

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