Monday, February 23, 2009

Redirect 301 - current status

Search engines wise - nothing to report home so far. New page got indexed in Google and Yahoo, Live lags as usual. However, there are no changes in search results just yet. They still show the old address, and position remains the same - hovering about 20 on MSN, 80 on Yahoo, and the bottom half of the first page on Google.

Yet there is one thing I did not think about that hit me in the back - my ad optimizing service. It rightly decided that this is a fresh new page, and started all optimization from scratch. It will take anywhere from several days to several weeks to arrive at the optimal placement that worked that well for me at the old address!

Meanwhile I got a serious reduction in eCPM and of course earnings! Yesterday I made just around $65, and if not for ads re-optimizing it would have been in the area of $110...


Anonymous said...


Are you talking about just this blog when you say $65/$110?

Joshua Nestor said...

Hi Pete,

Thanks for stopping by :)

No, of course not, I am talking about different site. This blog may be brought me $5 for the whole time of it existence.

Its purpose from the very start was different - to be a kind of open journal of my progress with other sites :)

Anonymous said...

Ah, I see. I got a lot of sites myself, but I am just starting up with real blogging and adsense these days. I'm not expecting a free lunch with adsense either, but lets see. :)

Good luck with your work.

Joshua Nestor said...

Thanks Pete, and the same to you :)