Saturday, August 18, 2007

Adsense roller coaster. Work incentives.

What a roller coaster! First, my traffic grows like crazy. I got some paid directories links, some articles, etc., and my SERPs are getting better and better. I'm second on Yahoo for ddir. Yesterday I got more than 900 visits, and today it is going to be even better. But my earnings yesterday barely crossed $6 - way below I have expected from that kind of traffic. Today I got more than $12. This is definitely something to celebrate. I can't live on that money, but nonetheless they are already noticeable. If I just continue at the same pace (and I hope I will be able to increase this significantly) 12x365=4380 yearly! In some countries this is considered a good income.

Finally, after more than a year online, I got some incentive to work on this project. I started to stage the upgrade to the most recent version of the code. My code is heavily modified, and upgrading is a huge job, and I just did not have energy for it when my site just barely was breaking even. Next in queue are graphics and editing.

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